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Can cassava cure cancer?

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I read about a man with cancer of the bladder who got cured after eating cassava three times a day for one month. The report said that it was the Vitamin B17 in Cassava that did the trick and that eating boiled cassava can cure all forms of cancer. Kindly let me know if this is true.

Bunmi (by SMS)

Osun is sick — Oluwo

Although scientists have been able to use the chemical, linamarin which is found in tapioca (cassava) to kill cancer in rats, they are yet to confirm the same feat in humans. In fact, one study carried out at the Urology Department of a Sri Lankan Teaching Hospital showed that consumption of cassava in large quantities could not cure a cancer patient. What this means is that more work still needs to be done before the cassava cancer claim can be celebrated.

The post Can cassava cure cancer? appeared first on Tribune Online.

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