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Dos and don’ts of growing your small business

Dos and don’ts of growing your small business

Growing your business is an exciting task. It means customers are receiving your business well and you’re bringing in a profit. But, growing your business can be intimidating. Many things have the potential to go wrong. That’s why you need a plan. When you know what to do and what to avoid, you can avoid […] …

Small business strategies to increase sales

Small business strategies to increase sales

Knowing how to sell is one of the most important skills you can learn as a small business owner. If you can’t sell, none of it matters Sales are everything to a business. Without sales, you can be certain you will fail. Finding what works for generating sales at your company is key to your […] …

Why you must be financially included

Why you must be financially included

An estimated two billion working-age adults – more than half of the world’s total adult population – do not have an account at a formal financial institution. Financial inclusion efforts seek to ensure that all households and businesses, regardless of income level, have access to and can effectively use the appropriate financial services they need […] …

Unmistakable signs you should be working for yourself

Unmistakable signs you should be working for yourself

Ozioma Ubabukoh A thick, solid membrane stands between most working people and self-employment. We can break through the membrane at any time, but most of us are afraid to take that step. We have been taught that only very brave and adventuresome people work for themselves, but that is a bald-faced lie! A few generations […] …

Investment is a team sport

Investment is a team sport

Author of Practical Steps to Financial Independence and personal finance coach, Mr. Usiere Uko, writes on the need to invest as a team One of the biggest issues with the conventional schools is the tendency to groom individual stars. Students are graded based on their ability to perform individually. If you collaborate in the exam […] …

Why entrepreneurs should hire interns

Why entrepreneurs should hire interns

They have got the same big smiles, shining eyes, and passion to work and represent your service just as much as you do. Think of the intern as mini-me. Whether you’re an established start-up or a fledging small business on the rise, you will eventually begin to think about creating a team of professionals to […] …

Financial inclusion: Capricorn aims to boost microlending

Financial inclusion: Capricorn aims to boost microlending

Ozioma Ubabukoh Access to finance in Nigeria remains a major challenge for businesses, especially micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which have been described as the engine of growth in any economy. A lack of adequate collateral is preventing many of the nation’s small businesses from accessing the capital needed to grow, according to a recent […] …

10 ways to encourage youth entrepreneurship

10 ways to encourage youth entrepreneurship

In 2010, world-renowned education and innovation expert, Sir Ken Robinson released a short animated film, titled Changing Education Paradigms. In the video, Robinson argues that our current education system stifles and anesthetises creativity while it lowers the capacity for divergent thinking. Robinson states, “Divergent thinking is not the same thing as creative thinking, but that […] …

Building a digital marketing agency

Building a digital marketing agency

Ozioma Ubabukoh  Creating a digital marketing agency can be one of the most rewarding businesses you will ever create. Here are a few mistakes to note on your path to building a large digital marketing agency.  Sometimes it is best to start with one product Many new agencies make the mistake of trying to be […] …

Real estate: When to get in and out

Real estate: When to get in and out

Abiodun Doherty Successful real estate investing requires an understanding of timing. Knowing when to get into the market and when to get out of the market is one of the most important keys to making it as an investor. The market punishes certain classes of people. The market punishes the ignorant, the gamblers, the […] …
