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‘Why we need to create more stars’

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Mursty Adinoyi is the producer-presenter of the award-winning entertainment programme, Hitlist N Cruzin. He speaks with SEGUN ADEBAYO about his new programme, AIT Music+, which he says was conceived with only one objective in mind: the development of Africa.


You seem to have your hands in different pies at the moment and you have a new programme in conjuction with Africa Independence Television (AIT), tell us about it?

We have been working on a couple of new projects but right now as you have observed, we have a new world class production which is in conjunction with Africa Independent Television (AIT). It’s called AIT Music+.


Why do you think it is world class?

We call it world class because it’s not just viewed in Nigeria; it’s as well viewed in Europe. We air in Nigeria on AIT International Monday to Friday. So if you’re in Europe, you’ll watch the show everyday.


Digital revolution is taking over the world now. How is it affecting you?

I think it’s a good development. It’s good because here we’re talking about clear pictures. You know what high definition means. High definition is better pictures. At Emrose Adinoyi Productions, we’re already digitalised. Our flagship show, Hitlist N Cruzin, is 100 per cent digital. When you see it, you’ll believe me that the picture quality of HNC is top notch. But when we give it to TV stations, because they are still on analogue, the quality will definitely drop. By the time Nigeria is fully digitalised, exactly what we produce in our studio is what you’ll see on TV. And that raises a concern in the country itself. When we digitise, the advantages are enormous, but again, we should not be just looking at the advantages, we should as well consider some other things. When you digitize Nigeria TV stations, some of them might not be able to stay in business.


You are a TV producer of many years  standing. The government says  alcohol adverts should not be shown in  the afternoon. Do you support the  decision?

Of course, we all know medically that  alcohol is not good. But some people do  take it, am I right? So if you say our  TV stations shouldn’t show alcohol  adverts in the daytime, let it go across  the board. After all, the pay TV as well  are broadcasting in Nigeria. Who are  those watching them? Nigerians. And they  want to block the adverts because of  Nigerians, because of the kids, because  of a certain age, yet those same  particular age are watching the cable  TV. So if the law affects the  terrestrial TV, let it affect the  satellite TV too.


Everybody keeps saying their brands are international. Companies have ‘international’ in their names, airports too and so on. So what’s actually ‘international’ about your new show?

It’s not just because it’s showing in Europe. It’s the quality of what we’re giving. Look at the standard, you’ll believe me that it’s the best thing to happen to Africa, it’s the best right now in Nigeria representing Africa in Europe. So, the quality is what stands it out; stands us out, alright? We’re producing on high definition with the best of equipment that’s being used all over the world is what we’re using. And then look at the quality of what we’re doing and then again it’s of course international if you produce in Lagos, Nigeria or in Nigeria, Africa and it’s being viewed on AIT Network.


What’s unique about its content? Are you saying you’re doing something that hasn’t been done before?

Yes, the whole thing about the entertainment industry in Nigeria becomes what it is today because of AIT Jams. I’m telling you that’s where everything started from. Now, for a long time, every other person’s doing that. But, we have to redefine who we are as Africans. Okay, so the best way to do it is through the best way we’re doing it right now. When you watch it there’s so much to gain out of it. You’ll understand that the culture is there, the beauty of Africa is there. It’s not just about the videos we play. We have little breakers that as time goes on we’ll keep on introducing them gradually that will show you the beauty of Africa. We shouldn’t wait for people to tell us about Africa all the time. We should be able to tell ourselves how beautiful blacks are. Like I said, entertainment became what it is now of AIT Jams. You see the chain reaction. Look at stars that Nigeria has produced. Now another one is here. We have to maintain the development brought about by AIT Jams. How to maintain it is to create a programme that will as well do more in promoting African music to the international world.


You said it will help people and Africa grow. How do you actually intend to do this?

Right here, we don’t take money to play music videos, alright, as far as your video is good, we’ll play it, and nobody will ask you for one naira. That is number one. Secondly, the programme is still new, but I’m telling you, it’s like letting the cat out of the basket, we have Projects AIT Music+ coming later. That you’re a carpenter, we’ll talk to you that you do not just depend on what your master taught you about carpentry. Design more, do more creativity, and if you can achieve that, look at the level you’ll go, because we can gather, say, 15 carpenters, or furniture makers that, design something about Africa. Whoever wins will take this. And we’ll not air it only in Nigeria. We’ll air it as well in Europe.

From the way you are speaking, it seems it was easy to conceive the programme and get it on air.

It wasn’t so easy. Nothing comes easy. You need a lot of thinking, concentration and prayer. I am blessed to be with the team that I have which understands me. When I talk to the members that this is where I want us to go, my editor is a very creative mind, my producers are very creative guys. All I do is say let’s go this way, do that, do that, and they get it done. But even at that, it was not an easy thing because we need to as well put it on the table that we are producing this content exclusively for AIT. Why, because I’m a product of that TV station, and again, that station started it all. It’s the first station that started 24-hour broadcast, it’s the first that said it wants to promote Africa.


You’ve spoken so far based on your own  sector and its needs. What policy do you  think Nigeria should make that will be  for all Nigerians’ benefit?

I think that is very obvious. Nigeria  will only move forward properly and even  become the best country in the world  when every serving government official,  from the president down to the lowest  ranked official, and across all tiers of  government, executive, legislative,  judiciary, are banned from seeking  medical attention abroad, and their  children also are banned from acquiring  education abroad. If we do this, Nigeria  will become the best country because  they will now ensure everything at home  works.


Many people complain that they find it difficult to get TV airtime. How were you able to get so much airtime   for three times in a week?

Getting airtime is not an easy thing. But for instance, if you are privileged to have airtime, what do you do with it? Do you give good production? Do you owe your station? You see, initially, stations were not asking anybody to pay for airtime. Independent producers kept on owing the stations, to the extent that they didn’t even want to pay, when somebody owes you and he’s ready to pay. It’s a different thing entirely. Somebody owes you and the person disappears, he’s no more in the country.

The post ‘Why we need to create more stars’ appeared first on Tribune.

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