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Zimbabwean government increase salaries of workers ahead of election

Zimbabwean government increase salaries of workers ahead of election

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The Zimbabwe government has offered the rest of its workers a salary raise, a week after it hiked salaries of members of the defence forces and police by 22.5 per cent and 20 per cent respectively with effect from July 1.

The minister of state for presidential affairs Simbarashe Mumbengegwi confirmed the 17.5-per cent salary hike
in a statement.

The government also pledged to meet other demands by the workers, including cash-in-lieu of leave for teachers.

Mumbengegwi said the salary raise was in fulfilment of an agreement it reached with the workers early
this year.

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Other benefits for the workers include alignment of rentals at institutional accommodation to housing

The Zimbabwean government also promised to provide additional non-monetary benefits to further improve
the conditions of service of the workers.

The salary hikes come amid limited fiscal space that has seen government spending more than 90 per cent
of its revenue on wages.


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