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What should be done about non-remittance of pension funds by FG, states?

What should be done about non-remittance of pension funds by FG, states?

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The first thing we should look at, is: is it right for the government at any level to fail to remit pension contributions from employees? The answer is definitely not. Doing so is an act of gross irresponsibility. How do you explain it? That you have deducted money from my salary in line with the provisions of the Pension Reform Act (2014) and that you, the employer, as required by the same Act not only failed to contribute your part, but also failed to remit the money you deducted from my salary to a pension administrator, I think this can best be described as an act of gross irresponsibility.  It does not matter if that employer is the federal or state government.

Now, to the question of: What should be done about non-remittance of pension funds by the Federal Government and states? It is unsound and not exemplary for the Federal Government or the states to fail to comply with provisions of the Pension Reform Act 2014. The two levels of government are expected to lead by example in this area. They cannot continue to flout provisions of Section 11 sub section 3 (b) of the Act which clearly states that: “the employer shall not later than seven (7) working days from the day the employee is paid his salary remit an amount comprising the employee’s contribution under paragraph ‘A’ of this sub-section and the employer’s contribution to the Pension Fund Custodian specified by the Pension Fund Administrator or the employee himself.”

I do not think that the Federal Government or any state that defaults in meeting this obligation should be treated any less than the way a private organisation which defaults should be treated.

It should be made clear that if you contravene the provisions of the law, you should be prosecuted. Maybe, besides prosecution, I think, PENCOM should also look at the possibility of naming and shaming chief executives and agencies involved in such acts by making public their level of indebtedness. •Mr. Olalekan Rotimi (Director, Ministries, Department and Agencies, Kwara State Internal Revenue Service)

As far as I know, when I was in service, what was deducted from us was duly remitted and that is why we are not suffering what those who were under the old system were suffering. But if there are issues now, either of state or Federal Government deducting without remitting, the workers in the affected establishment should cry out through their unions and make the Pension Commission to know of it.

It is an offence to deduct and not remit and sanctions should be given out accordingly. There are things the workers can do on their own. They can take it up as an issue with their establishments and, if necessary, industrial actions can follow because to deduct money and not remit it is an offence on its own. And it is a breach of contractual obligation.

The effect of non-remittance on the workers cannot be overemphasised. When it happens, it means that the workers will have nothing to return to. Also, the pension fund administrator would have nothing to pay the retired worker with. So, it is a very bad thing. Well, that is Nigeria; but we ought to have grown beyond this. •Charles Oronsaye (Former Edo State Chairman, Trade Union Congress)

The non-remittance of pension deductions by the Federal Government as well as state governors across the nation is appalling and highly condemnable. There is an Act that established the contributory pension scheme, so the refusal of the government at any level to abide by the same law they were part of making; is the height of lawlessness.

I think pensioners as well as workers, who are still in active service, should drag the government to court for non remittance of their pension deductions. This is fraud and it should not be allowed to continue. The only benefit those who are into the contributory pension scheme can enjoy is when their contributions are promptly remitted. This will attract interest on their money and it will go a long way in supporting them to be financially independent in their retirement. By refusing to remit their contributions, the same government is simply working against the financial freedom of employees, this is not right.

Governors in most states owe workers and pensioners six months, 12 months and even 18 months salaries in some cases and I know that it has never been this bad. The governors seem not to be worried about this, especially under the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration. We, by we, I mean pensioners in Osun State, wrote a series of Save Our Souls letters to President Buhari to ensure that the Paris Club loan refunds were not paid directly to states. We asked him to involve the Central Bank and commercial banks in the payment so that the fund would not be diverted for other purposes but the President did not reply us.

These governors make projects their priority not because they love the people but because they will have something in return from the contractors. That is why they are comfortable with owing workers and pensioners yet they start new projects from which they will rake in some money.

The federal and state governments should stop this attitude of not paying salaries and pensions and non remittance of pension deductions, it is criminal and it should stop, otherwise they should be sued. •Alhaji Yemi Lawal (Leader of 2011/2012 Forum of Pensioners in Osun State)

President Goodluck Jonathan signed the Pension Reform Act into law in 2014. The major objective of this reform is to ensure that workers/contributors receive their benefits at old age or after retirement. It is also meant to reduce dependence and improve the welfare of retirees at retirement.

The law stipulates that all employers who had employees above 15 persons make contributions of 10 per cent while employees also make a monthly contribution of 7-8 per cent from entitlements.

However, over the years, it has been observed that some employers have continually failed to remit their pension contributions to the Pension Fund Administrators. The question often asked by Nigerians is what effect does non-remittance of Pension funds have on employers? The answer to this question is palpable. For one, it reduces workers’ confidence in the dignity of labour, two it aggravates job insecurity which often leads to early deaths and three it increases dependency in old age.

Although the reason often posed by employers for non -remittance is increased wage bills incurred by them following continuous negotiations by labour unions. But this reason does not preclude the fact that employees deserve their entitlements.

In order to stem further cases of non-remittance of pension funds, it is recommended that employees should report employers who fail to remit their funds to appropriate law enforcement authorities for reprisal. Employers should be bold enough to take their rights seriously. •Dr Hodo Riman (Head, Department of Banking and Finance, University of Calabar)

The non-remittance of deducted pension funds by the federal and state governments has truncated the good intentions of government towards workers who serve meritoriously and look forward to a peaceful retirement.

It is worrisome that even as I speak, workers find it difficult to access their pension contributions after several years of dedicated service.

It is a big shame that Nigeria finds it difficult to perform a task that other countries perform with ease.

I will advise the government to remit what it deducts as well as its part of the contribution or stop the scheme since it is meant for both parties to contribute.

I must say that many workers are getting skeptical about the contributory pension scheme because the government has not shown total commitment to the realisation of the objective of setting up this pension scheme. •Mr.  Tari Dounana (Chairman, Trade Union Congress, Bayelsa State)

I will want to believe that the issue is not a thing that should be taken lightly considering its significance to the Nigerian workforce. We know there are people in the federal and state governments that are undermining the Pension Act by failing to remit pension deductions.

Under the Contributory Pension Scheme, the Federal Government or states are required by law to contribute a certain percentage of their income to workers’ pensions as well as deduct a fraction of workers’ salaries for the same purpose. I wonder what they expect workers to retire to if they fail to comply with this law. And if corporate organisations were the ones found culpable of such acts the public would clamour for the Federal Government to impose sanctions.

The government at all levels must begin to live and act responsibly by taking the welfare of Nigerian workers more seriously. The retirees are suffering and we do not want this to continue. They have served the country and should be treated fairly on retirement. There should be sanctions for those found culpable of undermining the scheme. •Dr Godwin Ekong (Uyo-based public affairs commentator)

  • Compiled by: Success Nwogu, Simon Utebor, Femi Makinde, Mudiaga Affe, Etim Ekpimah and Alexander Okere

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