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Brace up and face life

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today listening-to Stagnation Attitude peopleLife is a mixed grill of the good, bad and the ugly. Virtually everybody wants life to be good… Life is simply good when the going is good When things, however,  get bad or ugly and things  keep tumbling down-life can just fall into pieces.

When life deals us a bad hand  our perspective at such times is very critical.

Whether we will see life as half full or half empty will go a long way to determine how things will work out.

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. “ Charles R. Swindoll

Our perspective will determine whether we will see possibilities instead of problems or we will see opposition instead of opportunities. Our perspective will determine whether we will see problems and challenges as mountains or molehills.

That we will encounter adversity, that we will face challenges, that we will run into turbulent waters is a fact of life we cannot deny. The issue is what we do at such times. Are we going to crumble under the weight of challenges or are we going to stand up to it and pursue our purpose in life to a logical conclusion.

“Life is a wild card. You never know what new challenge or obstacle’s coming next, but you always have two options: take control or fold under pressure.

Because it’s not always about what happens to you. Sometimes it’s about how you choose to handle the storms—to keep moving forward with your life when uncertainty is raging around you. The strongest people don’t quit, they simply grab their umbrellas. So how do you know if you’re killing it in life? If you have a never-give-up attitude” Lydia Sweatt

Life is not an easy road but at the same time it is not an impossible road. Life throws a barrage of challenges, crisis and circumstances that are tough and only the strong hearted can make it. Life is not designed for the faint hearted who will throw in the towel at every difficult point he gets in life.

We must brace up, face life and make life work for us.

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” Michael Jordan

One tread that weaves through the fabric of any great man or woman of substance is adversity. Adversity is inevitable and our attitude and response when it shows up will determine how far we will go in life. Adversity or negative circumstances can either paralyze us or it can propel us to rise beyond it to greater heights. Adversity is usually a temporary bus stop on our way to our final destination. Nobody in his right mind lives in the bus stop- it’s just a transit point.

We must see adversity in the proper light. We must not maximize adversity neither must we minimize it. Maximizing adversity is giving it a –larger-than-life image while minimizing adversity is under-rating the power of adversity. Both are wrong perspectives of looking at adversity. Adversity can be a tool to unlock some doors that ordinarily will remain closed in good times.

There is hardly any great person who did not have to cross the bridge of adversity before making any appreciable impact with their lives. Adversity many times puts us under pressure, which if well managed, will bring out the best in us. Adversity pushes us to the wall and forces us to look at options we would never have considered if things were rosy.

No matter the adversity we encounter we must not allow it to stop us.

The post Brace up and face life appeared first on Tribune.

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