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Breaking: Trump taunts attorney general Sessions

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U.S. President Donald Trump will not let any punch go unanswered as he called out attorney general Jeff Sessions in a series of tweets this morning, asking him to dig more from the Democratic side and his traducers, such as the former FBI chief James Comey.

“Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.” Jeff, this is GREAT, what everyone wants, so look into all of the corruption on the “other side” including deleted Emails, Comey lies & leaks, Mueller conflicts, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr……

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 24, 2018

In another tweet, the tweeting US President said:

….FISA abuse, Christopher Steele & his phony and corrupt Dossier, the Clinton Foundation, illegal surveillance of Trump Campaign, Russian collusion by Dems – and so much more. Open up the papers & documents without redaction? Come on Jeff, you can do it, the country is waiting!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 24, 2018

Sessions in a rare response on Thursday had rebutted Trump’s accusation he was not running the Justice Department well.

Sessions issued a statement defending the integrity of his department.

“I took control of the Department of Justice the day I was sworn in,” he said. “… While I am attorney general, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.”

Trump had intensified his criticism of the Justice Department in a Fox News interview aired on Thursday as the White House grappled to respond to Tuesday’s conviction of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort on multiple fraud counts and guilty plea by Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, that implicated the president.

The Republican president reprised a litany of complaints about the Justice Department and the FBI, attacking both without providing evidence they had treated him and his supporters unfairly.

Trump also renewed his criticism of Sessions, blaming him for what he called corruption at the Justice Department.

“I put in an attorney general who never took control of the Justice Department,” Trump said.

In the dawn tweets, Trump also praised his records on the economy, quoting Target CEO’s comment. “This is the best consumer environment I’ve seen in my career.” A big statement from a top executive. But virtually everybody is saying this, & when our Trade Deals are made, & cost cutting done, you haven’t seen anything yet! @DRUDGE_REPORT

“Our Economy is setting records on virtually every front – Probably the best our country has ever done. Tremendous value created since the Election. The World is respecting us again! Companies are moving back to the U.S.A”.

Trump had warned those seeking his impeachment that the markets will collapse and they will become poor.

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