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Dear Pope Francis…

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By Jesutega Onkpasa

YOUR Holiness, CNN, the international broadcaster, which, having completely gone rogue, has become the trumpet of the global gay lobby, has been reporting you to have basically declared homosexuality to be okay in the sight of God. The Vatican, over which you preside, apparently taking its cue from CNN, has similarly gone rogue and been quoted as claiming it does not comment on your private conversations, thereby skirting an issue of extreme importance to the faithful. This time around, Your Holiness, it would appear you have gone too far and this insult would rather not be tolerated by the children of God. You see, unlike another insult you directed at the faithful sometime ago, it is not Catholics that are obsessed with homosexuality and abortion, sir. It is you, their rock star Pope who is apparently so enthralled by sodomists and baby killers that you would destroy the house of God to please these disordered friends of yours. Indeed, it would appear that rather than tend the flock of Christ in spirit and in truth, your preference is to revel, instead, in your celebrity status, soaking in the worthless adulations of the ignorant and ungodly who make up the liberal bottom of humanity.

Your Holiness, the manner of spiritual rascality you have acquired a fondness for is simply unconscionable in a Pope and going forward, you will have to learn that being legendarily humble, austere and a man of the people is not at all enough to run the Catholic Church. In any case, you are not by any means a theologian of any note and one would have expected that your deficiencies in that regard should have inclined you toward the humility of seeking guidance from your theological betters, rather than stumbling onwards in the ridiculous misconception that being Pope might by any means be similar to being a populist politician.

Pope Francis, showing a bruise around his left eye and eyebrow caused by an accidental hit against the popemobile’s window glass while visiting the old sector of Cartagena,Colombia, is greeted by faithful on September 10, 2017.
Nearly 1.3 million worshippers flocked to a mass by Pope Francis on Saturday in the Colombian city known as the stronghold of the late drug lord Pablo Escobar. / AFP PHOTO

Needless to say, your rather shockingly pedestrian perspective that God created this disturbed and broken Chilean to be queer wherefore He loves him so, is so utterly irretrievably untenable that I would be taken aback to hear a seminarian conceive of such weighty matters on such kindergarten terms. Even biblically, God made only two people perfect: Adam and Eve. Everyone after them – all of us – are created imperfect not because God wanted it so but unavoidably as a result of the fall of man. Yes, God loves everyone, indeed, even Satan. Yet, to put this across in such a way as to suggest that because He loves them, therefore He approves of their ills, as you have most shamefully done in this case, is an infernal falsehood from the accursed mouth of Satan, himself. By reason of original sin, we are not created perfect sir. Rather, finding us thus imperfect, our journey through life along the Way of the Cross is a process vide which God makes us whole unto Himself. Indeed, we only become perfect when we step into His embrace in the afterlife. Surely, that anyone happens to feel powerless against their abnormal tendencies cannot elevate such quirks to the status of normal orientation for then every congenital misconfiguration now lurking in the shadows, should immediately emerge from the dark, and with an arrogance similar to gay pride, rush into the limelight as legitimising excuse even for the most infernal passions imaginable!

As Pontiff, you are faced with a riotous world in which every manner of crank is desperate for space on the plateau of norms. Yet, being gay is objectively a disorder and no quantum of political correctness or social reengineering can obliterate a truth. It is not enough that homosexuality is statistically a deviation from the sexual mean and therefore deviant behaviour. More importantly, from a strict biological point of view, homosexuality is positively abnormal for where a creature, desirous of perpetuating its genes, has evolved into a sexual being and specifically modified appropriate organs to interact for that purpose between genders, any same gender sexual behaviour in such a species is biologically abnormal. I am happy you are a scientist and even happier to inform you that the dictatorship of the minority that the gay lobby is satanically foisting upon our world, aside, there is absolutely no scientist worth the name, anywhere in this world that would even as much as suggest that nature itself has modified mankind to be sexually active in any way other than for the penetration of the female organ by the male organ. While, all things being equal, any other sexually significant interaction between genders may not necessarily alarm, any degree of amorousness within genders is objectively unnatural.

Of course, it is heinously ungodly to harass, oppress, denigrate or humiliate homosexuals. Indeed, it is the obligation of every Christian to insist it is a grievous sin against God to treat anyone including homosexuals thus. Nevertheless, it is also the divine mandate of Christians to insist that they are entitled to apprehend homosexuality for what it objectively is as deviant, unnatural and abnormal and to defend that right as fiercely as they might had struggled against Apartheid, wrestled racism to the ground or gone to war for the liberation of women. It is enough to hold and ensure that our fellowmen are not oppressed or disrespected for being homosexual. Going so far as to insist that we must then all reject objective facts, participate in gay weddings or teach our kids it is okay to fag or be fagged is pure fascism.

Homosexuality, being of a fact, objectively abnormal behaviour, it is no remediation, dilution or mitigation of that status that one happens to be neurologically wired to be queer. Humans are wired by their DNA in different ways and to have been wired to be kleptomanic or a degenerate psychopath is only as capable of investing one’s condition with the status of a legitimate lifestyle choice, as much as being cranially configured to desire to eat feces suffices to render the consumption of excrement normal. Being gay is essentially a challenge any unfortunately so configured or inclined person is called upon by God to strive against and as with any struggle, the mere fact that the toil of work or diligence to its attendance is herculean is entirely immaterial. Indeed, that it may not return reward at the end of the day cannot invalidate the righteousness of the effort for capitulation is not a virtue. At the end of the day, “I cannot help being gay so it must be okay to be gay” is not any higher than “I cannot help being prejudiced so it’s okay to be racist.”

Therefore, when Dick Cheney had come out in support of gay marriage because his daughter turned out to be gay, we should have asked him if it had happened his daughter was a cannibal, would he then had asked us to legalise man-eating for his cunt-eating little girl?

While many fear you have been turned, I am happy to report that there remain many of us, the children God gave you, who, being convinced of the demonstrable objectiveness of the abnormality of homosexuality, are confident that there isn’t anyone out there that could demolish the truths we hold beyond pitiably objecting that our stance is offensive, insensitive or not politically correct, or otherwise resorting to any of the sundry other intellectually prostrate falsehoods in the elaborate calendar of fascist lies the liberal movement has cunningly crafted for the purpose of intimidating the rest of us into what to think! We are Catholics and however weak our flesh might become, our faith remains forever strong, for more often than not, it is actually all we find ourselves left with, without which we pitiably decompose into anti-creatures our Creator no longer is able to recognize. Therefore, while the rabble of the liberal West might lose its head and spit even in the face of Heaven, those of us seeded in devout lands where God is still feared shall be keeping fate and fast till Jesus comes.

Be it known to you, Your Holiness, that we would had thought that even if it had pleased the whole world to entirely fly off the handle, the Pope would be our last man standing. You cannot even begin to imagine what utter hellishness of shame you have brought upon the Divine House of the Most High God from the darker sides of your heart that you seek to entice into our heads. You must refute this abomination you are alleged to have spoken and reaffirm the primacy of the Word of God for your children are beginning to live in dread of you, fearful their Papa is about to flip to freak mode. Believe me, Your Holiness, many believe Satan has succeeded in installing a mole right in the Cistern Chapel!  On my part, had I happened to be at this meeting wherein you are alleged to have apostatised and you had said to me: “God made him gay, wherefore He loves him so”, I would have taken my cue from Jesus rather than from CNN and said to you: “Get behind me Satan.” If it had proved expedient for the Devil to use the Clintons and Obamas of the decaying West to turn you, may it indeed please God to use me, this lowly African, not even a nigger, to return His vicar to Him. When I see your face, I see the features of a child of God. May God not let it come to pass that your brethren shall come to look in that face and identify the visage of Satan thereupon. I look forward to seeing you in Rome sooner than later and hope I would be able to find our Papa made whole again.

Onokpasa, a lawyer, wrote from Warri.

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